Parents Step Ahead (PSA) will be embarking into it’s Ten Year- Anniversary, one year from now. In preparation for the celebration, PSA will hold school conferences and beautification projects throughout the year of 2015 with the inclusion of a school contest and a new event during the Hispanic Heritage Month, to commemorate the ten years.
Parent Conferences for 2015
The originally known, “Parent Programs,” will return to Dallas, Richardson, Grapevine, and Irving Independent School Districts, with expansions inquiring into Arlington and Lake Worth ISD.
In Dallas ISD, Urban Park Elementary School will be hosting a PSA Parent Conference for the fifth year in a row, the longest participating school to the PSA programs. The conference will be the first in the new year. Which will be January 22, 2015 with seminar topics to include, Family Communication and College Preparation.
Richardson ISD campus, Forest Lane Academy, will be holding their first parent conference on February 21, 2015. Timberline Elementary School will hold it’s second parent conference at Grapevine ISD, May 14, 2015. Tentative dates to be filled for three more 2015 parent conferences in Irving ISD and the potentially expanding school districts
Throughout each Parent Conference at participating schools, a contest will be presented to the students. The contest will entail the creation and design of the ten year anniversary logo. To be featured in the “Parent of the Year” awards gala in December.
Month of the Family
In repetition of last years “Month of the Family” beautification projects. Two school districts, Irving ISD and Northside ISD will participate. Three campuses from Irving ISD to be included will be; Irving High School, Austin Middle School and Lively Elementary School on March 28, 2015.
Northside ISD in San Antonio, TX will look for participation from the following campuses: John Jay High School, Anson Jones Middle School and Cable Elementary.
Teacher Ambassador Leadership Experience
The 6th annual Teacher Ambassador Leadership Experience in Washington, D.C. will be the second week of September during the National LATINA Symposium.
First Annual PSA Luncheom
In early October, PSA will look to have its first Networking Luncheon with corporate companies that exceed in educational programs.
“Parent of the Year”
Closing out the year of 2015, will be the conclusion of the decade celebration with the 10th annual “Parent of the Year” gala, set for December 4, 2015.