Exhibitors Needed for Parents Step Ahead Community Resource Fair!
Through partnerships with school districts, community organizations and businesses, Parents Step Ahead offers school-based programs for parents who wish to be “a step ahead” in their children’s education and preparation for life.
Rather than just reporting the alarming statistics about the challenges facing minority and underprivileged communities, Parents Step Ahead sets out to “recognize, educate, enable and empower parents to take a proactive role in the educational and personal development of their children.”
These programs are open to public participation and will provide access to information and resources, as well as interaction with parenting and education professionals.
Community nonprofit organizations, businesses with a focus in education or parental involvement, and ISD departments are invited to set up booths at each Parents Step Ahead Parent Conference, to meet parents, distribute materials (bi-lingual), and share information with parents who attend the programs. Expected attendance per event is 400. We are looking for 10 exhibitors per event.
There is no cost for your organization/company or department to display and distribute information; however, we do request a donation of a gift for our raffles held during the programs.
We hope your organization or department will participate in the Parents Step Ahead programs by setting up a booth, distributing information, and talking to parents, students and community members, about the services you provide that can help parents become more proactive in their children’s education.
If you have questions, please contact Marcos Suarez at (214) 357-2186 or at marcos@parentsstepahead.org.
Please download the Registration form by CLICKING HERE.